Getaway Route to Real

You don’t get into something to test the waters, you go into things to make waves.



It was a random pick and to much of our surprise there’s a another surfing spot to be discovered. In a reclusive spot located in Quezon.

Left early in the morning then arrived in Real as the dawn just broke out.


This isn’t the tourist friendly spot where you get to do some sight-seeing on the side, the place seemed to be catered to surfing and surfing only. Maybe some random strolls for locals.


The beach gave a solitary vibe with not much to see except for surfers and giant waves during high tide. The image during low tide is another story.


What surprised me was how different were the waves’ temperament in Real to other spots. If it were compared to one infuriated woman to another infuriated woman. Big difference.


If others had waves coming from left, right & center simultaneously. This on the other hand came from one steering source with a hard hit if you’re not careful. Ducked as a wave hit my direction, thanks to the strong current and awful timing my face slammed flat on the board once I submerged.


What was definitely worth it were the lessons were a bit more longer in a good way and concise.

If you opt to go on a day trip with a few hours of travel on your watch and practice on your surfing, you can consider this destination.